Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 29, № 1 (The Musings of a Tile Consultant)

 Volume: 29 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

The last two issues of the Commercial Flooring Report (May and June 2010) dealt with floor covering failures relative to the products themselves, installation and specification. In this issue I've asked Dave Gobis, LGM's ceramic tile consultant and expert troubleshooter, to share with us some of the more specific issues dealing with ceramic flooring complaints, problems and failures. This is a category of flooring that very few know much about. I consider Dave the most knowledgeable guy in the business. You'll see by his credentials at the end of his article how true that is.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 28, № 1 (Common Causes of Flooring Failures: Part 2)

 Volume: 28 |  Issue: 1 |  Download


In my opinion, substrate issues are one of the biggest bones of contention today. With installation after installation failing in all types of environments, the question is continually asked, "Wha's different today than years ago when we never had these types of problems?" First and foremost – today we want instant gratification, and that means, "Get the job finished as fast as possible at all costs and we'll worry about the consequences later!" Not only is this a crazy way to think and act, but it's totally irresponsible in many ways. We'll touch on why this is insane in a bit, but first let's look at some of the types of problems we're experiencing.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 27, № 1 (Common Causes of Flooring Failures: Part 1)

 Volume: 27 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

The primary business of LGM & Associates has to do with floor covering failures in the commercial market whether it is the product itself, the installation, substrate influences or some other factor. Another segment we serve has to do with lawsuits or legal actions involving floor covering issues in a variety of situations. No two cases relative to failures in any area serviced are ever exactly the same. It is for this reason that the following information is being provided to help prevent you from having to endure the pain of a floor covering failure.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 25, № 1 (When is Carpet Wall Covering and not Cove Base?)

 Volume: 25 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

When does the use of carpet on walls constitute wall covering or cove base? Why should it matter and what's the difference in the two and how is it determined? These questions were asked of us by one of the industry's largest commercial carpet manufacturers. If they don't know the answers it was certain none of our readers did either. The questions actually were, "How far can carpet come up a wall before it is considered wall carpet and not cove base which would put it in a different flammability category? Does the Carpet and Rug Institute have a position on this or is there a standard?"

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 22, № 1 (Concrete Testing: Doing It Right)

 Volume: 22 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

At CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION's first Industry Trends Roundtable in June 2002, the hot topic was moisture coming out of concrete floors and delaminating vinyl flooring, tile, and coatings. During the CEO Forum that followed, recognition of this multimillion-dollar problem led American Society of Concrete Contractors' members to contribute $40,000 to a special fund to address floor moisture and pH.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 21, № 1 (A Smart Guide to PVC Backed Modular Carpet)

 Volume: 21 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

Modular Carpet also known as carpet tile — is probably the least difficult soft flooring product to actually handle and install. That being said, the chemistries involved in most of the modular carpet backing systems that are in general use today can create serious and occasionally catastrophic issues that [b]WILL[/b] land squarely on the shoulders of the flooring contractor if the correct steps have not been taken.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 20, № 1 (Hospital, Health Care and Educational Application of Sheet Vinyl Flooring)

 Volume: 20 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

More and more hospitals, health care facilities and schools are using homogeneous sheet vinyl flooring with welded seams in areas requiring an aseptic or clean environment, such as operating rooms, emergency rooms and pharmacies. It is also used in corridors of schools or dialysis rooms of health care facilities. This product is used for its clean, uncluttered look and finish. In addition this homogeneous material lends itself to all kinds of creative design elements such as artistic insets, borders and free flowing patterns. Just like any other flooring material not understanding this product, the environmental conditions required for installing it, substrate conditions and how to install it properly with great emphasis on welding the seams can result in massive headaches, exorbitant costs and strained relationships, not to mention the failure of the installation.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 19, № 1 (NeoCon 2009)

 Volume: 19 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

It was evident, and no surprise, that Neocon's attendance was adversely affected by the economy. My guess from roaming the halls for two days is that attendance was off nearly 40%, those I've spoken with felt the same. That having been said, we've seen this slowdown at all the flooring trades shows this year. Those who did attend were serious about doing business. An entire entourage was not to be seen but key people from firms were there, and business was in fact being done.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 18, № 1 (HD 2009 Expo)

 Volume: 18 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

The Hospitality Design Show held in Las Vegas on May 12th through 15th is one of my favorite trade shows. In my opinion HD is one of the classiest exhibitions there is for floor covering and it's a dress up event. It's nice to see people dressed as professionals when they attend this event. It reflects the significance of the hospitality market and the position it occupies that of high fashion and cutting edge design. This is where you'll see the most highly styled, eye popping high end floor covering products displayed by the sharpest manufacturers in the industry.